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Executive Committee

Executive Committee

Executive Committee

Service is the rent we pay for room on this earth.

– Soror Shirley Chisholm

President’s Message

Welcome and thank you for visiting the virtual home of THE Atlanta Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. We were chartered as Sigma Chapter in 1924, became Iota Sigma in 1925, and Atlanta Alumnae in 1958. We were the first graduate chapter in Atlanta, the first in Georgia and the second in the Southern Region; we were the nineteenth chapter chartered in the United States. We have honorably and proudly served the Atlanta community for almost 100 years! Today, THE Atlanta Alumnae Chapter is home to over 600 dutiful Sorors who are committed to and bonded by service, sisterhood, and scholarship.

Our illustrious chapter has a legacy of advocating for social action, expressing through the arts, and working side by side with city leaders. We have a rich history of programmatic impact through the work of our 5 Point Programs:

  • Economic Development
  • Educational Development
  • International Awareness & Involvement
  • Physical & Mental Health
  • Social Action/Political Awareness & Involvement

We have an intergenerational membership of talented, proven leaders and critical thinkers, as well as being home to many pioneering, distinguished, and notable women of Atlanta. As we approach our Centennial chapter year and develop our path forward, we will continue serving through the following operational values:

  • Community focused with a strong commitment to fostering collaboration, inclusivity, and sustainable development within our community and geographic area.
  • High Sororal engagement and participation where we establish meaningful connections and value the collective talents and expertise that each Soror brings to engage in our new and innovative programs and activities.
  • United sisterhood as we collaborate and uplift one another thereby creating a network of support and empowerment.
  • Sustaining and elevating our impact by initiating data-driven and research-based responses to our Five Point Programmatic Thrust.

Soror Barbara Jordan eloquently told us that, “the imperative is to define what is right and do it.” Soror Shirley Chisholm reminded us that, “service is the rent we pay for room on this earth.” It is my honor to greet you as the 43rd President of THE Atlanta Alumnae Chapter. I look forward to working with and for you during the 2023-2025 sorority years.

Yours In Service,
Roslyn A. Harper, Ph.D.

2023-2025 Executive Committee

Roslyn Harper, Ph.D.

Roslyn Harper, Ph.D.


Janice Hull Lemons, DNP

Janice Hull Lemons, DNP

First Vice President

Chair, Program Planning & Development

✉ firstvp@

 Joycelyn Jonas-Fowler, Ph.D.

Joycelyn Jonas-Fowler, Ph.D.

Second Vice President

Chair, Membership Services

✉ secondvp@

Danielle Smith
Danielle Smith


Chair, Budget & Finance


Pam Andrews

Pam Andrews

Financial Secretary

Honorable Njeri Maldonado

Honorable Njeri Maldonado

Recording Secretary

Monique C. Jenkins

Monique C. Jenkins

Corresponding Secretary

Chair, Communication & Public Relations

✉ correspondingsecretary@

2023-2025 Executive Board directory

Arts and LettersAlicia Bensonarts_letters@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Asha Rashad
Assistant Corresponding SecretaryStacey Chavis, Esq.asstcorrespondingsecretary@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Assistant Financial SecretarySharron Orumasstfinancialsecretary@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Deena Swatzie
Georgia Winbush
Jasmine Young
Assistant ParliamentarianPatricia Summersasstparliamentarian@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Assistant Recording SecretaryJasmyn Bellasstrecordingsecretary@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Assistant Sergeant-at-ArmsDehavilyn Mackasstsergeantatarms@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Assistant TreasurerLinda Williamsassttreasurer@atlantaalumnaedst.org
ChaplainToni Belin-Ingramchaplain@atlantaalumnaedst.org
College Transition ProgramKelly Mayfieldcollegetransition@atlantaalumnaedst.org
CourtesyJacinda Clarkcourtesy@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Sonya Patterson
Custodian of PropertiesDeidra Nealycustodian@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Economic DevelopmentValerie Franklineconomicdevelopment@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Elizabeth Wilson
Educational DevelopmentMarlette Johnsoneducationaldevelopment@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Uroni Macon
Amanda Patterson, Ph.D.
Emergency Response TeamCarisa Hines Moore, MDert@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Deborah Thompson
FundraisingMyrna Whitefundraising@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Toni Belin-Ingram
Kirsten Williams, J.D.
Heritage and ArchivesMartha W. Plowden, Ph.D.heritage_archives@atlantaalumnaedst.org
HospitalitySharon Manninghospitality@atlantaalumnaedst.org
April Wright
Housing and PropertiesHeather Kinghousing_properties@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Joycelyn King
Immediate Past PresidentAndrea L. Morganimmediatepastpres@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Internal AuditTiffany Williamsaudit@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Internal DevelopmentSabreena Alvin
Aprille Blair
International Awareness and InvolvementBeverly Gullatt, Ed.D.internationalawareness@atlantaalumnaedst.org
April Long Banks Wyatt, Ph.D.
JournalistAllison Joynerjournalist@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Joycelyn Wilson, Ph.D.
NominatingRejess Marshall
ParliamentarianGwen Mayfieldparliamentarian@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Physical and Mental HealthAshanti Bookerphysical_mentalhealth@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Elaine Archie Booker
Protocol and TraditionsMaxine Burnetteprotocol@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Regina Fuller
Alfreada Lowery-Jackson
Public RelationsDionne Boydpr@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Dania Wright
Risk ManagementCharis Johnson, Esq.riskmanagement@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Stephanie Davenport
Ritual and CeremoniesAngela Keysrituals@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Sharon Sims
Marie Wilson
ScholarshipEshé Collinsscholarship@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Kenya Greene
Elizabeth Murray
Sergeant-at-ArmsDena Collinssergeantatarms@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Social ActionFran Phillips-Calhounsocialaction@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Mary Patricia Hector
Sonya Patterson
Social MediaAshli Washingtonsocialmedia@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Stacey Chavis
Strategic PlanningCrystal Davisstrategicplanning@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Asha Hope
TechnologyTameka Lewistechnology@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Pam Robertson
Kris Smith
Chapter BrandingLenita Wessonchapterbranding@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Elections Committeeelections@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Founders DayKim Bellfoundersday@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Cynthia Cody
Nancy Hall-White
Nicole Poole
Grow with GoogleNatosha McCrarygrowgoogle@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Linda Williams
AAC DST Golf AcademyLisa Bridges golfacademy@atlantaalumnaedst.org
LEAD ProgramJacoria Borderslead@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Serena Robinson
May WeekCarol Johnsonmayweek@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Sheree Turner, Ph.D.
Pan Hellenic CouncilDionne Huffmanpanhellenic@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Kerry Gatewood
PhotographyAretta Baldonphotography@atlantaalumnaedst.org
Step TeamSandra Ofilistepteam@atlantaalumnaedst.org